Oakville IUD and Implant Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do to prepare for my visit?
If you are having an IUD/ Implant inserted or removed, avoid unprotected intercourse 1-2 weeks before your appointment if you are not on any reliable birth control. If we can not safely exclude pregnancy, your appointment will be rescheduled. We would also request for you to bring a negative urine pregnancy test if you are unsure.
Take any NSAIDs (Advil, Motrin, etc) about 30-60min prior to the procedure. If you cannot taken NSAIDs, Tylenol will be okay, too. If you need something stronger, please let us know at the time of consultation. We offer Penthrox.
Most importantly, don't forget to bring your device!
How and where do I buy the IUD/Implant?
At the virtual consultation with Dr. Yuh, she will prescribe you the device. Or you can get the prescription from your family doctor. They are available for purchase at most pharmacies.
If you are unable to afford hormonal IUDs or Implant, please contact our office as we may be able to apply for a compassionate program on your behalf.
If you choose a copper IUD, we sell them at our clinic, so you do not need to buy it in advance.
How much is the IUD/Implant?
Hormonal IUDs (Kyleena and Mirena) and Implant (Nexplanon) are covered by OHIP+ (for those under 25 years old) and by most insurance plans. If you do not have drug insurance, they cost about $350-400.
Copper IUDs are not covered by OHIP+ and most insurance plans also do not cover the copper IUD. They cost about $100.
What should I expect after IUD insertions? Click here.
Can I get a pap test while I am there?
Yes, when you are here for the IUD and you need a pap test, we can do your pap test as well.
​What is the difference between IUDs and Implants?​
IUDs are placed inside the uterus and impact the uterine lining while the subdermal implant (Nexplanon ®) is placed under the skin of the upper arm and works by inhibiting ovulation (release of an egg from the ovary).
You will be able to predict your menstrual bleeding pattern with IUDs i.e. with a non-hormonal Copper IUD you will have a regular cycle whereas with a hormonal IUD you are more likely to have light spotting or no bleeding at all.
With Nexplanon ® for most women, your period will stop or you might have infrequent bleeding . However, for a small percentage of implant users, periods could become unpredictable , longer, and/or more frequent.
Is it okay not get a period with IUDs and Implants?
Yes. With hormonal LARCs, the lining of the uterus generally does not thicken, so does not need to be shed, which is your period. In fact, the progestin released from hormonal IUDs inside the uterus, protect against abnormal cell changes in the lining that could lead to uterine cancer.
In 60% of women using Mirena,  menstrual flow becomes lighter or stops altogether, making it an excellent option for women with heavy periods.
How soon will my fertility return after removal of the IUD or Implant?
Pretty quickly . The median time to pregnancy after IUD removal is 2-4 months. The mean 1-year pregnancy rate as are consistent with 1-year pregnancy rates in women who wish to conceive following discontinuation of barrier or no contraceptive method.
With implant, fertility returns very quickly and pregnancies have occurred as soon as 7-14 days after removal. Ovulation resumes within 2-4 weeks for most women.